segunda-feira, 5 de julho de 2010

As bibliotecas e os bibliotecários são espécies ameaçadas: o que você pode fazer para ajudar.

"Em abril minha mãe me ligou para dizer que um movimento de corte de custos ameaçava fechar a biblioteca local da minha cidade natal. O conselho da cidade de Cedar Grove, New Jersey achava necessário cortar o orçamento em US $ 600.000, e demitir os funcionários da biblioteca municipal era a maneira mais fácil.

In April my mother called to say a cost-cutting move threatened to close my hometown's local library. The town council of Cedar Grove, New Jersey needed to trim the budget by $600,000, and by eliminating library funding council members thought they saw an easy cut. There were no unions to deal with, and the library line item in the budget of $490,000 for the remainder of 2010 was large enough that it could wipe out a huge chunk of the budget deficit. As one councilman noted, the surrounding towns had libraries; people could use those.

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